Simple, WASM and Performance

Place: Mooncascade, Tallinn
Date: February 05, 2020

Our second meetup was held at Mooncascade.

“Stupid Simple!” by Vladimir Andrianov

Vladimir Andrianov shared his excitement for Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and the simplicity of Go.


“The State of WebAssembly in Go” by Matias Insaurralde

Matías Insaurralde from Paraguay shared the state of Web Assembly and Go.


“A Tale of Performant Breadth-First-Search” by Egon Elbre

Egon Elbre urged us to use better algorithms, use less memory and fewer pointers for better performance (if that is what is needed).

Slides, Talk recorded at GopherCon EU

“Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2)” by Siim Kaspar Uustalu

Siim Kaspar Uustalu shared how Mooncascade brings value to #fintech companies with Go at Golang Estonia Meetup.


“Report from GoDays in Berlin” by Taavi Kivisik

Taavi shared some of the highlights from GoDays in Berlin at Golang Estonia at Mooncascade.
